November 3, 2010

My Phone Story

I found this picture the other day and thought it was sadly, all to real. 

It all started when Jessi and I were at a Texas Stars Hockey game last season and we decided to go to the concession stand to get some dinner. Being the suave, whimsical, extravagant man that I am, I told Jessi to pick out something nice from the concession stand, seeing how we were on a date and all. She remarked with a sarcastic "WOW, this sure is a romantic date...I can pick out anything?" I replied with a yes and we proceeded to order and then make our way back to our seats. 3 minutes into our return I had my iPhone out, checking some "VITALLY IMPORTANT, LIFE THREATENING, NOW OR NEVER INFORMATION" on Facebook, when Jessi leaned over and said in her "sweet but I am not joking voice", "I thought we were on a date?". I was caught. I was found out. I had tried to pull a quick "keep the phone by your thigh look", but to no success. I said something dumb like, "whoops" or "almost done"...I was unaware that the proper response was to put that bad boy up and NOT take it our for the rest of the night. 
Jessi is an amazing wife. She knows me and is all too aware of my addictive personality. So, she never said anything about it for the rest of the night. Because, after all, this was not the first time I had been on my phone when I shouldn't have been. 
  • Driving
  • At lunch with friends
  • Eating dinner at home
  • In the bathroom (that is just gross, but true)
  • Talking to my boss
  • Talking to my mother-in-law
  • Hanging out with kids I work with
  • At the red light
  • At the green light
  • At the yellow light
  • Training at work as a presenter is talking
  • Church as the pastor is talking
  • Church as the worship band is playing
  • Church as announcements are going on
  • At a funeral (yes, true)
  • At a wedding (not as offensive as a funeral)

I did a lot of thinking that night after we got back from the hockey game. I told Jessi that I was sorry and that I really had no good reason to be on my phone. She asked me what was so intriguing about being on my phone and honestly I could not say anything better than "it is something to do". Which when told to someone you are hanging out with comes across "you are boring and my phone is more interesting that you cause you, my sir or madam, are LAME".
I told Jessi that when I woke up in the morning I was going to sell my iPhone on craigslist and get a regular "call & text" phone...and to my shock and hers, I actually did it. 

This is not necessary a "spiritual" post, just something to chew on and think about. 

Don't be lame like me and have an affair with your phone.

Fight On

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