October 19, 2010

Theology 101: What is the Trinity?

Sometimes people use 3 different names when referring to God:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Spirit

These are not just 3 different names, these are 3 distinct persons. All three have existed as three distinct persons, but there is only one God. This is called the trinity.

Biblical Evidence for the trinity
God said, “Let us make them in our image, after our likeness”. These are not angels, because only humans were made “in the image of God”
(Genesis 1:26-27)

When Jesus was baptized, “the heavens opened to him, and the Spirit of God descended like a dove and coming to rest on him”…and a voice from heaven said “this is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17)

What were all 3 members of the trinity doing at this time?
God the Father was speaking
God the Son was being baptized
God the Spirit was resting on God the Son

When Jesus sent his disciples out, he told them “to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

The meaning of the trinity
The trinity is three distinct persons, but one God.

God the Father is God. When you read “God” in the bible, you are more than likely reading about God the Father.

God the Son is Jesus. He is fully God, but in the form of a man. He had to come as a man to do what Adam could not do, life a sinless life and die for our sins.

God the Spirit is the Holy Spirit. He is given to live inside you when you become a Christian. He is your connection to God the Father. He convicts you of sin, teaches you how to pray, read, and live out the Christian life.

The role of the trinity
In creation
God the Father spoke the world into being (Gen 1:9-10)
God the Son carried out those words (John 1:13)
God the Spirit keeps Gods presence in creation (Gen. 1:2)

In Salvation
God the Father loves the world (John 3:16)
God the Son came down from heaven (John 6:38)
God the Spirit was sent to complete and sustain Jesus’ work (John 14:6 and John 16:7)

Examples of the trinity
“Many members” all with different skills but “one body” with one purpose (1 Corin. 12:12)

Two distinct persons come together and become “one flesh.” (Eph. 5:31)

The unity and diversity that exist in this world are simply a reflection of the unity and diversity that exists within the Trinity

Fight On


Daniel Attaway said...

Hey Keefe,

I like the topic. Let me ask you, what do you think about the accusation that the Trinity is a fabrication of the later ecumenical councils (Nicea/Chalcedon)?

The Fight said...

Honestly, I am not as studied on history as I should be. But, I would say that it is definitely possible for a council to start the term "trinity" but in no way did they create the entire idea of the "trinity"...that bad boy is in Genesis 1...the trinity existed before the scriptures.
I do not know if i even answered the question...but definitely feel free to fill me in

Daniel Attaway said...

My answer would be that the councils only articulated what the church already held. That is why I believe creeds are so important. I think the language the different creeds use are helpful and we as teachers need to use that language when we teach. I wonder how many lay people even view God as Triune. Maybe they say they do but I would venture to say they have no idea what that means. I like it bro... hopeully it wont be 2 yrs before you post again haha.